Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it is the year 2020.  It sounds like the title of a sci-fi movie.

Here is my new year card for 2020:

My first version of this card included the caption, "Unpopular TV:  Bedtime Stories With Dick Mikeman".  My wife thought it was "pervy" so I removed it.  The card is funny by itself without any explanation.  The picture is of me sitting-in for lighting on the set of a commercial.  Sometimes gaffing can be a lot of fun.

I've been doing these cards since 1997!  The idea was stolen from a client who sends out their own humorous cards each year.

2020 seems like a milestone year: the beginning of a new decade; a time for hope and renewal.

Looking back 20 years, the year 2000 seemed like a milestone year, too; briefly it seemed like everything was going to be better in the world.  We can only hope and work that the new decade will bring a better world to everyone.

Here is my new year card for 2000:

Comet Hale-Bopp was a spectacular once-in-a-lifetime comet

This was my most serious new year card.  The front is a photo I took of the comet Hale-Bopp.  There is no caption.  On the inside was this short poem:

at the end of two thousand years
does entropy reign
does hope expire
at the end
is the beginning
should one fortuitous moment in time
be more than a moment transient
at this beginning
in every moment

PS:  Here is a bonus new year card from the past, one of my favorites, from 1999:

Like most of my early new year cards, this was made "South Park style" with the different elements being paper cutouts arranged and photographed.