Bungee Cam

This is my bungee cam out on a job a couple weeks ago.

What is a gaffer doing with a bungee cam?  Years ago, I often worked as a key grip and a gaffer.  I still have much of my key grip gear, like this bungee cam.

Working both positions worked well for me for years.  I'm living and working in a small market, the Midwest.  Working both positions helped me to stay busy.

There is an advantage in doing both.  You learn skills for both positions which is always helpful in the world of work.

I designed this bungee cam years ago with help from the great Bob Gray.  Bob did most of the machining and assembly.

The final rig turned out great.  It can handle a heavy camera.  There are adjustments for angle.  The handles can be adjusted.  There is a trolley for speedrail, so the rig can be used as a slider, too.

It is an old school  way to hold a heavy camera while still giving the operator the ability to add and control some motion to the shot.

On this shoot, the camera is mounted on the bungee cam rig in the back of a SUV.  The camera is leading some joggers.

Above and below the camera are LiteTile 2x4s to fill the shadows and add an eye sparkle.

Safety is always a priority.  Police closed the street for this scene.