Coop Light Table Top

An unusual specialty light I own is an old Mole Richardson 6K coop light; Type 20133.  These old lights, forerunners of spacelights, were used to light large spaces.  It is big, awkward, and awesome.

I specifically bought this light for use as a table top light.  It excels as a soft top light, and I love the look of tungsten light.  Also, there are not many lights you can just aim straight down.

The output is easily adjustable by changing the wattage of the lamps.  I love the look of  DKZ 1K halogens with their large frosted globes, but for table top this is generally too much light.  I'm more likely to use 500 watt ECTs and go through a thick diffusion.

Originally, this would have been lamped with silver-bowl lamps.  This must have made for a super soft source.  Unfortunately, I have never had a chance to use these type of lamps.  I suspect it would be hard to even find these globes anymore.  Many of the old mogul photo lamps are no longer manufactured.  They can only be found as NOS. 

I was recently booked for a table top shoot and was planning to use the coop light.  I decided this was a good time to refurbish the light before the shoot.

The light had asbestos leads.  I think this is unsafe because the asbestos is constantly being handled and disturbed anytime the light is moved.

The internal wiring was all asbestos covered wire, too.

I replaced the asbestos wiring with high-temp silicone wire.

It probably wasn't necessary, but I ran the internal wiring through high-temp fiberglass sleeves.  I used high-temp steel crimp-on connectors for the terminals.  I also wrapped some areas with silicone tape to protect from high heat.
There is a cover for the wiring with has been removed in this picture.

The originally all the sockets were wired together into one circuit.  I changed it to 6 separate lines coming out of the light so I can control which lamps are on.  I covered each line with a fiberglass sleeving.

I repainted the inside, and cleaned the aluminum exterior.  It now looks good as new.  I can't wait to use it again.
Ready to go for the next shoot!