Happy 2025!
I wish everyone a prosperous and happy new year!
My new year card for 2025:
I hope it's not too much of an inside grip-and-electric joke.
Ben Greer is behind the wheel as my "co-star" in this production. Actually we are standing-in for lights we had just rigged on the set of "Nowhere Men". It will be coming out this year. I'm expecting it to be good.
PS: You can see over 20 years of my new year cards here:
PPS: We all say this, and it's dumb in a way, but "I can't believe it's 2025!" It sound like a science fiction movie for someone of my generation. Of course, I'm old enough to remember when the year 2000 (!!) sound like it was in the distant future. I grew up with vision of the Year 2000 when disease would be cured; wars would be gone; we would get around in flying cars; and take vacations on the moon!
Sadly, none of these things have come to pass. Instead, our irrational and foolish human nature seems determined to pursue our worst traits over our higher angels. Our lives and the world could be so much better.
In anthropology you learn the word ethnocentric. It's a belief that your culture is superior to others. Science fiction stories almost always have humans as the most resourceful. We save the universe with our human intuition. If intelligent being were to come to the Earth, they would certainly be shocked by our irrational behavior. We spend more time and money on ways to kill each other than take care of each other.
The great Mark Twain grew disillusion with humanity as he got older. I get it now.