I am baffled why so many people are not getting vaccinated for Covid gambling with with their lives and everyone else's.
I read an analogy recently. If people behaved like this with Polio we would still have this disease. No one doubted the need for a vaccine for Polio.
In May, I was out-of-town on a shoot. All the under 30 year olds on the film crew, I talked to, were not vaccinated and had no plans to do so. No one had seemed to have any rational for this risky decision.
Hospital rooms are overflowing with Covid patients especially younger patients who thought they were invulnerable.
I was on a shoot at the home of an older couple. We were informed to wear masks because they were not vaccinated. I'm astonished. They are at high risk for serious complications.
It is a popular trend to say there is a "war" on many values. There really is a "war" on science. Some people are falsely influenced by social media choosing to believe what they want to believe irrationally disregarding the science of experts.
I'd like to think I could say or write something that could persuade someone to get vaccinated. We are human, irrational and foolish, so it is unlikely I can. The
most difficult thing to do in the world is change someone's mind about
something that they think is right.
'Ridiculous': Vaccine Myths Cripple U.S. Uptake as Delta Surges:
PS: I read something this week saying the Delta variant of Covid is one of the most contagious respiratory diseases ever.
Update February 2022: Omicron is far more contagious than Delta!
PPS: Yes, I am fully vaccinated.
Update November 2021:
I planning on getting my booster shot.
Update December 2021:
I got my booster shot.
To my sad astonishment; we are in the middle of another Covid surge after the Thanksgiving holiday. I expect Christmas and New Year will bring another surge like last year. Almost all deaths from Covid anymore are the unvaccinated people.
The new Omicron variant is even more contagious than Delta. There is some good news about this. They are saying Omicron may be less dangerous than Delta, and some of the other variants, and may help drive the more harmful variants out.
PPPS: I recently heard a great analogy. We are in a fight with the virus. You are either for the virus or against it.
If you are not getting vaccinated you are for the virus.
Update 8/20/21: Navigating the new normal of Covid; a good article from The Atlantic: