The Joy of a PB&J


Looks like I spent time lighting this, but it is just morning light filtering in my kitchen window.

Covid 19 has caused changes to our lives in unexpected ways.  Most are not good.

Surprisingly, Covid has brought a small good thing back into my life.  The humble PB&J; the peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I may not have eaten a PB&J since I was a boy, certainly not since my boys were little.  I can remember my mom often making PB&J for me for school lunch.  It was not my favorite, but I liked them.  As I got older, I stopped eating them.  I think because I had them too many times for lunch.

In 2020, some production companies have stopped having craft service and providing lunch becasue of Covid.  In its place, there is a generous stipend to provide your own snacks, drinks, and lunch which I'm okay with.

I don't really miss crafty that much.  I generally avoid snacking during the day anyway.  The thing I miss the most is hot coffee.  On shoots without crafty, I'll bring a thermos of coffee.

The problem becomes what to bring for lunch that won't spoil.  I was trying to decide what to make for lunch on a different shoot when someone said, "PB&J!"

I thought about it.  PB&J is inexpensive; easy to make, easy to store, and good for you (I think).

The first time I had to bring my own lunch, I made a PB&J and to my surprise, I loved it.  It was delicious.

After that day, I found myself looking forward to my PB&J lunch everytime I brought it.  I even started making them for lunch at home.

Becasue of Covid-19, I have re-discovered something from my youth that I had enjoyed and forgotten.  I have re-discovered the joy of a PB&J sandwich!