Covid-19 Layoff Week Whatever . . . who's counting at this point?

The Covid-19 layoff is winding up Week 9, but who's counting at this point?

Experts have been saying all-along that testing and contact tracing is vital to keeping the Covid-19 epidemic under control.  I am astonished by the hodge-podge  and inadequate testing.  There seems to be no  contact tracing.  The business are opening again willy-nilly.  Nationally, there is a vacuum of leadership and planning, even though they say they have a plan.

I going to throw-out a nerdy allusion.  In the flawed but sometimes great science fiction series, Battlestar Galactica, from the early 2000s, the beginning of each episode would have a caption about the evil Cylons; "And they have a plan."

What the writers admitted years later was this was a lie.  The writers had no plan.  The series story-line flew off the tracks time and again because there was no plan.  What began as a great science fiction series descended into an existential soap opera.

That's were we are at right now with Covid-19.  The national government says they have a plan, but they don't.

PS:  One of the best hours of science fiction ever made is the first episode of the Battlestar Galactica, "33".  I expect every viewer found it exciting and compelling with an obvious roadmap for the series:  The humans would somehow survive the Cylon pogrom; the humans will rally and against all odds defeat the Cyons; and in the end find salvation with a new home.

Somehow the series seizes defeat from the jaws of victory and finds unsatisfying and often ill-logical conclusions to everything you would expect.  It's hard to believe a series that started out so well, with a great compelling story, would become an existential soap opera where everything is meaningless gobbledygook.