2019 Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I'm astonished that the year is now 2019.  It sounds like something from a science fiction story when I was a boy.

Here is my new year card for 2019:

I have been sending these out for twenty years.  I stole the idea from a client, The Texas Crew.  They send a fun new year card every year

Its a brilliant idea.  Everyone is sending Christmas cards.  You see piles on desks and stuck on bulletin boards.  I think they get lost.

The first year I sent out a new year card I got an immediate response from people.  I've been doing it ever since.

My first card with a much young me:

Happy New Year 1998!

 PS:  August 2019:  I don't think I would have been quite so cocky with my 2019 card saying for 2019 to "Bring It" if I had know part of that was going to be heart surgery.

The good news is I'm doing great now with a pacemaker.